Innovation in Componentsheader logo neu kleiner
  • Ambient lighting
    Ambient lighting "interior"

    door panel, seat line, dashboard,

  • AVAS  for  electric vehicle
    AVAS for electric vehicle

    Audio alerting system

  • Haptic Actuator
    Haptic Actuator

    touch display , vibration actuator

  • Audiotactile feedback
    Audiotactile feedback

    touch display, speaker, buzzer

  • car headrest speaker + vibration element
    car headrest speaker + vibration element
  • White goods
    White goods

    buzzer, speaker, sensors

  • Industry Solutions
    Industry Solutions

    switches, push buttons

Highly specialised personnel  are  qualifying and testing  our products. The basis of our  solid quality level. We are fullfilling international automotive requirements.



The qualification plays a very important role in our process of product development. Here we verify whether a product meets or exceeds the reliability and quality requirements with regard to its application.The internal quafification of our products follows international standards  like ISO9001, TS16949 .  The qualification occurs basically in 3 different stages:

  • Virtuel Qualification (Design)

Virtual qualification is the first stage of the overall qualification process. It is the application of PoF based reliability assessment to determine if a product can meet its calculated life cycle. This simulation based process assess reliability goals and life cycle based on its materials, geometry and operating characteristics.  Our goal is to build in "quality" in our products at this early design stage.

  •  Product Qualification (Prototype)

After first prototype manufacturing we start with the product qualification process. The intention is to qualify a product before starting mass production. This includes the verification of function and performance, the validation in application and the qualification for processability and reliability. This includes:  technical specification, desing release, material check, function test,reliabilty test, product FMEA

  • Quality Assurance testing ( Mass production) 

This testing take place during mass production and before the products are shipped to the customer. Our quality assurance testing ensures that the products are manufactured according to the design within the given tolerances. Accelerated stresses will be applied to the products to force early failures that are caused by manufacturing defects. This reflects: FMEA ,process flow chart , control plan, process capability, test equipment capabilty , supply chain status

Continously improving the process

The Engineering Technology Group (ETG) was set up a couple of years ago to implement the innovation and improvements for the production process. With continuous efforts, we have mastered the improvement of major core technologies, like the piezo element manufacturing technology, INSERT manufacturing technology, diaphram manufacturing technology, plastic mold designing technology, production equipment designing technology. We implemented successfully software program designs for monitoring all production process steps. We possess adequate equipment and apparatus imported from South Korea, Japan and the United States.


Product  Qualification 

Before the mass production can start the product undergoes a details qualification process. This includes the verification of function/performance, the processability and reliability. If it is applicable we examine a validation in the application environment. During all this stages we collect a bundel of information on the product configuration, materials, strength limits and margins. We evaluate the life cycle profile, do detailed failure analysis and reliability assessment. Here after  we define the qualification requirements, do planning of tests and set up the testing procedure.

We perform all test on  modern high quality  equipment:  temperature cycle test, climate test,  Burn-in test, end-of-line test , vibraion-shock test etc.  We stand for high quality in all sectors of our portfolio.


humidity testhv34Humidity Test

life cycle v34

Life-Cycle Test

thermal schock v34

Temperature Test

salt spray 350

Salt-Spray Test


Quality Assurance Testing 

During mass production and before the products are shipped to the customer we perform  continously qualification tests in the production lines to ensure that the products are manufactured according to the design and within specified tolerances. In order to guarante high quality level we put on each critical production  step a  in-line quality test  to detect possibel failure at early stage.  Furthermore, we apply increased stresses to the products to accelerate early failures that are caused by manufacturing defects. Below  are some examples shown of critical production steps  and  where we   introduced  automatic production equipment and  implemented additional quality control equipment. 

Critical production steps 

To minimize human influences, we have fully or semi automated machines implemented for all critical production steps, on our acoustic productionline  thus enabling us to keep high levels of production quality. 

auto windignv32Auto winding

spot solderingv32jpgAuto soldering

lasering2nd genv32Auto lasering

aoi insprection v32AOI inspection 

 Product inspection in the production Line  

The  product test procedure is done automatically by measuring  acoustic parameters e.g. SPL, Impedance, Frq-curve etc. Only when the inspection results are "good", the automating code printing mashine will mark the part number on the device. Otherwise the device will be phased out.   

010 v34Auto welding 

eol v34EOL-test

auto soldering h350Auto soldering

3d glueing v343D-glueing

008Soldering control

impedace test h350Impedance control

prod023v34Auto final  inspection 

trace 350 Data aquisition & product tracing 

Incoming material Inspection 

( production of acoustic products)

ipq 3d dimension v43

3D-dimension control

ipq taunt v34

Taunt control

ipq rohs v34

ROHS inspection